Wednesday, 4 July 2007

the frozen sea within

jökulsárlón, glacier lake south of vatnajökull glacier, iceland, 1990. pic taken from a paper photograph.

"A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us." ~ Franz Kafka



javadoug said...

Only 8 years after I visited Iceland! A beautiful place!!

What I really wanted to know, is how do you embed those audio clips? the internet wiz that I am, I can't figure it out. oh well :)

poetography - words and vibes said...

hi doug,

yes, iceland is an amazign place; strong and wild and archaic... and full of mystical beauty.

about the audio clips - if you register on , you can easily download the html-code of the audio clips and embed them.

javadoug said...

Merci. - J'essaierai..